

AA City changes her face !



Over 350 pictures show the changes around the Siegener railway station from 1993 to 1998 around

Is copyright protected finished photo appeared on the CD-ROM.

Table of Contents:

Railway station victories
Gaskugel Schemscheid and goat-mountain-tunnels
Goods-railway station
HTS - fraction behind the railway station
Savings bank Morleystraße
explosion Nato-teeth Fischbacherberg
Nuremberg house
Crossing protect-street and Hermelsbacher way
Wellersbergtunnel - gaze of the joy-salvor street
Wellersbergtunnel -
Look from the zoo-street

The industrial utilization, presentation as well as the duplication are prohibited.

With inquiries respecting the copyright as well as picture-orders, you please turn directly to the author:


Stephan Schmidt
Friedrich-Friesen Str. 50
D-57072 Siegen

Phon: + 49 - (0)271 - 374 00 27

Please visit to

